Robotics and automation are keys to the future.

We integrate robotics of all kinds in our curriculum so you can have the right tools fit for your program. Robotics and automation help students learn how to think computationally as they break down tasks into smaller parts the robot can handle. And while robotics are constantly changing and evolving, our technologies are designed to adapt and keep up. Our robotics simulate real life scenarios and our supporting curriculum provides context through career connections.


Janta Group aims to transform today’s youth into tomorrow’s innovators by enabling learning by doing in STEM education with the help of its state of the art hands on project making kits, programming software, a variety of learning options, and training programs It blends theory with experiential learning which helps develop innovativeness and problem solving skills the must have 21 century skills.

Automation tomorrow will implement the National Education Policy (NEP 2020) in the school to establish an Innovation Lab for classes. The lab will be equipped with an enriching hardware and software ecosystem, allowing students to learn 21 st century skills like Robotics, Coding, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Tinkering, and in line with the CBSE Skill Subjects --‘focus on the development of the creative potential of each individual".

We propose implementing Coding, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics education for classes 3 12 to understand practical concepts of Coding, Science, and Mathematics by ‘learning by doing, an approach where students will be facilitated with hands on experiments One of the larger aims is to prepare students for the future, by introducing and exposing them to essential world skills to get them to think out of the box, break boundaries and make something unique in the process!